Buster N Me

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Whole (Hedge) Hog

Monkey has a new friend!!! His name in Hedgehog (yes, yes, I know, I'm very creative with my names... Monkey, Duck, Hedgehog)

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He was made from the Book "Easy Toys - 25 Delightful Creations to Knit and Crochet" by Family Circle. (pg. 92 - The Whole (Hedge) Hog)

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He was SUPER easy to make. I think my next project might have to be the adorable little piggy on the front cover!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Thank You!!!

We (Jeramey, Monkey, and I) would like to say "thank-you" to the Randalls for this great Welcome wreath for our new home....

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and to the Flanagans for this wonderful hand-made wall shelf! We know it was a LOT of work and want to let you know how much it is appreciated.

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Sewing Project

I got two sewing machines for Christmas! Why two? My Mom & Dad bought me one, and so did my husband. They were both great but I ended up keeping the one from my parents (it had a few extra features, and it was easier to change the settings than the other one) Jeramey returned the one from him (without a receipt - bravo!) we will probably use the money from the machine to buy fabric for sewing some curtains. :-)
I figured it would probably be a good idea to make a "practice project" with my new sewing machine before attempting something as large (and expensive!) as curtains. Sooooo.............

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Ta Da!!! A pair of very wild pajama pants for Jeramey!!! (he claims to like them - although he didn't want his face in the picture - hmmmm)


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